Bible Study - Online Booking

Bible Studies by Revive

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1

”Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you..” James 4:8

”Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.” John 15:4
— King James Bible

Life is unpredictable.
Invest in your relationship with Christ, the Word.

In the photo: Hyun during a hike on Fern Canyon Trail at Mendocino, CA, 2023
Photo Credit: Ankur Prasad

From the Founder of Revive Ministries

Our Story

I strive for a healthy lifestyle. God led me to love being in nature and some of my favorite activities are hiking and cycling. I also live by a whole food plant-based diet. I teach simple anti-inflammatory cooking and natural remedies as a part of my mission work and in my career as an airway-centered holistic dentist.

The health sector of Revive Ministries , Revive Health Education , is what the Lord impressed me to develop during the height of the pandemic. He showed me the urgency to spread the knowledge of His powerful and healing lifestyle remedies. As this ministry is self-supporting, it was a continued effort and a search to develop the next sectors of Revive.

With prayer, I waited and observed until God gave me the green light. And in His usual miraculous way, God sent His willing servant, Pastor Dennis Tello of Cambrian Park SDA Church, as our partner. I am now able to launch Bible Studies by Revive in this year of 2023.

The Revive Ministries Team consists of a humble group of friends who loves Jesus. We gather online 1-3 times each week to study and pray in addition to our personal study and prayer times. We love getting to know Jesus more and more every day. Our Revive Team prays for all of you to receive the love, joy, and healing which we experience daily through the power of Jesus Christ.

Bible Studies

You can submit a request for Bible study sessions through our request link below and we will match you up with one of our teachers.

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