Waiting and Watching for our Saviour

Matthew 25:13

King James Version

13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

“The [indolent and unfaithful]...”were sleeping, stupefied with cares of this life and allured by the deceitfulness of riches...their brethren had been diverted from their watch...beguiled by worldly prosperity”

“Angels were represented to me as looking on with intense interest to mark the appearance of the weary yet faithful watchers.”

“These heavenly angels grieved that those who were once watching should, by their indolence and unfaithfulness, increase the trial and burdens of those who were earnestly and perseveringly endeavoring to maintain their waiting position.”

- Testimonies 2: 192.1-193.1


The Desire of our Lord


A Call to Stand - with the promises of protection