How He differs from the other gods

How He differs from the other gods

He [Christ] saw the power—the deceptive power—of Satan upon human minds, and He engaged [bound Himself by a pledge] to come to this earth. He lays aside the robes of His royalty, He lays off His royal crown, He lays off His high command, He steps down from the throne of His glory as High Commander in all heaven, and clothes His divinity with humanity, that humanity might touch humanity.

That is what He came here for.

He came right down to our earth to take upon Himself the nature of man, to pass through all the trials, all the afflictions and temptations wherewith man should be beset, and here He wrestled with these temptations, passing over the ground where Adam fell, that He might redeem the disgraceful failure and fall of Adam.

—Manuscript 12, 1895


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